Released: June 13, 2017
Publisher: Lexington Books
Retail Price: $104.99
Length: 142 pages
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 978-1498506328
Jason Lief’s Christian account of metal is thoughtful, creative, and impassioned. It will teach metal fans about new ways to make Christian sense of this music, and teach Christians new permissions for headbanging.
—Tom Beaudoin
Associate Professor of Theology, Fordham University
This book explores the symbolic connections between Christianity and Heavy Metal music in the context of the secular West. Heavy Metal uses symbols and imagery taken from Christianity, even if the purpose is to critique religion. This usage creates a positive connection with an interpretation of Christianity as a form of cultural critique. Given that Metal and Christianity are associated with Western culture, this book explores how Christianity and Heavy Metal function within the context of secularity as a form of ideological critique. Using the ideas of Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Charles Taylor as a starting point, this book explores the religious nature of secularism in the West interpreted in the immanent processes of politics and economics. In this connect, both Christianity and Heavy Metal provide a cultural critique through images of death, the grotesque, and sacrifice. By bringing this religious interpretation of secularism into conversation with the ideas of Georges Batailles, Slavoj Žižek, and Jürgen Moltmann, this book will demonstrate the positive relationship between Christianity and Heavy Metal.